Monday, December 18, 2006

Reiners Tilesets

Reiner's Tilesets has a wealth of free graphics for game development.
Most of the graphics in DragonSiege were created by Reiner:

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Game Panel

I created game panels using a photo of lovely patterned pillars.
These are the preliminary game panels. Note the game panels are very similar to the Empire Earth game panels.
The bottom panel will show unit selections, the left panel will show statistics about the first selected unit (if no units are selected this panel disappears) and the right panel will show the mini-map.

Hopefully next week I'll have more time on hand and progress faster. I'd like to have a playable version early 2007.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The Networking is up to date. The next task is to create the game GUI panels and implement the functionality for building a town.

The Empire Earth game panels are really nice. I plan to implement a similar interface.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Characters can now attack.
Next: I need to work on the multiplayer networking. The earlier I start keeping the networking up to date with additional features the better.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

DragonSiege development

Here are a few images showing the current progress with a game I started developing last
month. The name is DragonSiege. It is an RTS game inspired by an old text-based RTS game I wrote around 1998 called "Siege". My first proper text-based RTS game was a Dune2 clone written in 1996, a few years after my first attempt on writing a text-based RTS in 1993. DragonSiege will support multi-player networking. DragonSiege is written in C# .net. Graphics are rendered using DirectDraw, networking using sockets and sound using DirectPlay. There are plans to employ Opengl for rendering the graphics.